neprihlásený Utorok, 10. decembra 2024, dnes má meniny Radúz
Pre americké nepokoje menia softvérovú terminológiu aj MySQL a Twitter

Diskusia k článku: Pre americké nepokoje menia softvérovú terminológiu aj MySQL a Twitter

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Schwarzenegger himself has said so, many times over the years, spinning a wild yarn about an original Cameron painting of the T-800 gifted to him by the director that hangs on his office wall. If you scraped off Arnold’s likeness, Arnold claimed in numerous interviews, you’d find O.J.'s face underneath.

“Let me correct that right now,” said Cameron, phoning The Times this week ahead of the release of “Terminator: Dark Fate” from New Zealand, where he is filming his “Avatar” sequels. “Arnold is literally just wrong. I know it’s hard to imagine! You don’t argue with Arnold.”

As the “Terminator” and “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” director has explained over the years, Simpson’s name was suggested during early casting stages circa 1983 — and quickly shot down. “I got a call from Mike Medavoy who ran Orion, which was jointly financing with Hemdale,” said Cameron. “And Medavoy said, ‘Are you sitting down? I’ve got this movie cast: O.J. Simpson as The Terminator and Arnold Schwarzenegger as [Kyle] Reese.’”




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