neprihlásený Streda, 8. mája 2024, dnes má meniny Ingrida
Myška vymenila koliesko za touchpad, 30.11.2006

Zaujímavú počítačovú myšku M-D13UR predstavila dnes japonská spoločnosť Elecom.

Myš je určená predovšetkým na mobilné použitie, čomu je prispôsobený dizajn, funkčnosť a tiež nový ovládací prvok.

M-D13UR je vybavená optickým 800 DPI senzorom, s počítačom komunikuje bezdrôtovo na frekvencii 2.4 GHz.

USB prijímač je možné schovať počas prenášania myši priamo do na to určeného priestoru odizolovaného od vnútorného priestoru obsahujúceho elektroniku.

Pre menšie rozmery pre prenášanie je možné otočiť časť tela myši, čím sa zmenší jej výška o približne 1.5 cm.

Najdôležitejšou inováciou je ale výmena skrolovacieho kolieska za touchpad plniaci rovnakú funkciu. Koliesko sa u optických myší používaných najmä mobilne zvyčajne veľmi rýchlo zanesie nečistotami, touchpad je naopak utesnený a elektronika myši je tak bezpečne izolovaná od prostredia.

Ovládanie touchpadu by navyše malo byť menej náročnejšie, skrolovanie hore a dole sa realizuje iba dotykom s jeho hornou respektíve dolnou časťou.

Elecom M-D13UR

Myš bude k dispozícii v troch farebných prevedeniach, váži 54.7 g, prijímač 3 gramy. Napájaná je dvomi tužkovými AAA batériami uloženými v otočiteľnej časti.

Prenosná forma a uskladnenie USB prijímača

Odporúčaná cena myši je v prepočte 1 836 Sk, zakúpiť ju bude možné od polovice decembra.

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pekne, velmi pekne... :]
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nooo, aj mne sa paci. a ta cena nie je az taka zla ale je to celkom dost :D
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aj toto si asiq kupim :D
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aj aj mam zaujem, kto vie ci to bude niekto v SR distribuovat..
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super napad :)
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Hehe ze koliesko sa hocikedy zanesie, vyse pol roka hadzem microsoftku (klasicku nie notebookovu - Intellimouse Explorer 4.0A) len tak do batohu, hocikedy tam mam aj omrvinky a stale je v pohode, ziadne problemy. Zaujimavejsie by bolo keby vymenili tlacitka za touchpad :-)
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Vynmenit tlacitka za touchpad by bola jedna velka kravina. Predstav si totiz, ze v case kedy nechces klikat by si musel prsty drzat nad touchpadom.Vies aka je to unava prstov?Idealne su preto tlacitka, kedze si mozes prsty na ne polozit.
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Ty si touchpad asi iba videl z dialky ked tak hovoris, ale aj tak som to myslel len ako zart :-)
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hehe, z poriadnej dialky asi... hehe

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ide mi vlastne o to ze koliesko mi este neodislo ale tlacitka mi odchadzaju na myske pravidlene
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Je to kravina vymeniť touchpad za koliesko. Veď dnes už kvalitnejšie myši (logitech G5 Laser.....)majú scrolovanie nielen hore dole ale aj doľava a doprava. A to pri zachovaní pôvodnej veľkosti kolieska. No ak tam bude touchpad tak tam bude musieť byť kríž na to any to šlo....
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tiez sa mi zda hlupost vymenit tradicne koliesko za touchpad...
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Skúste používať touchpad s vlhkými rukami. Samozrejme, že nefunguje!!! Pre mňa osobne sú bohužel touchpady k ničomu.
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no hej no -na plavaren sa to nehodi ;)))
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fujtajbl ale je skareda
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pekna ale neergonomicka... chcel by som videt ako na nej dakto 5hodin rysuje v cade... alebo nebodaj hra CSko... AU
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A Israeli co-worker brought to my attention tens of thousands references of that fella.
Shoher chose to remain a pen name to bypass Israel's government control, he publishes some very unusual points about Middle East doings.
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A čo tretie tlačítko? Už vidím ako namiesto skrolovania budem klikať, alebo opačne...
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The things in Iraq took yet another wrong turn when Bush forced Maliki to meet him in Jordan. The meeting did not help Republicans in the elections, but broke the Iraqi coalition. The faction of Shiite cleric al-Sadr walked out of the government coalition, as promised, because of the meeting.

No one in Iraq has a slightest doubt that Maliki is an American quisling. That’s ok with the people. In Muslims countries, rulers are not expected to represent population; the US and the Qaeda each tries to change that. Muslims are very extroversive and value fac,ade and rituals. Maliki could be a puppet, but he should behave like a tiger – Iraqi tiger. At least, Maliki managed to skip social meeting with Bush and Jordanian King Abdullah (Olmert ignored Arab mentality and met Abdullah several times, a PR disaster).

If that attention to rituals looks silly to rational Americans, it probably is. But that’s how it works in the region. To reach an agreement with Iraqis – rather than simply punish the Baathist state – the US negotiators would have to sit hours and days with various Iraqis, both bureaucrats and radicals, drinking super-sweet Iranian tea, chain-smoking on par with their opponents and talking, talking, and talking. That might or might not bring the desired results, but no other approach could deliver a stable, moderate, US-friendly Iraq.

To please his American masters, Maliki brought together fictitious coalition. Its Shiite faction does not include al-Sadr’s group, the main Shiite organization. It includes only a minor Sunni party, also non-representative. The coalition is advertised as moderate, but listen to the names: Sunni Iraqi Islamic Party (sectarians), the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution (sic) in Iraq, and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (separatist organization, as the name makes clear).

The coalition is meant to squeeze Sadr out of politics. He would indeed go – into the urban battlefields. Sadr could show himself a good Muslim, promise to step down the fighting – and use the truce to train his forces. He needs time to grow the Mahdi gang into an army.

Sistani’s approval won’t cement the coalition. He is merely a religious authority. Religious power in Islam is very dispersed because every cleric and theoretically every Muslim could pronounce fatwas. People go along with famous clerics insofar as they opportunistically serve the mob’s wishes. Sistani cannot afford to condemn fighting the Sunnis, thus his blessing of the coalition could only be half-hearted. Moreover, Shiite militia includes few fundamentalists who would blindly obey Sistani. They are common guerrillas who only superficially subscribe to religion or ideology. They fight for the sake of killing. Their loyalty is with Sadr. Iran – al-Sadr’s sponsor – does not care about Iraqi Shiite bosses such as Sistani. Civil war in Iraq suits Iranian national interest: strong and hostile neighbor turns into protectorate.

Iran, not Sadr is the problem, but Sadr handsomely contributes to the situation. Oddly, the US loses its soldiers, kills Iraqis and allows still larger numbers to die in the conflict while al-Sadr, who orchestrates much of the violence, lives in safety. Why not assassinate him?

The White House PR people offended the common sense when they staged Robert Gates’ meeting with a dozen of handpicked soldiers who assured him that the army is on the right track.
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