V Nemecku budú povinne na benzínkach rýchlonabíjačky na elektromobily
Diskusia k článku: V Nemecku budú povinne na benzínkach rýchlonabíjačky na elektromobily
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Re: Vyfuk z elektromobilu
Od: doc. Genyó
2024-06-05 09:03:44
Partial or random charging can also contribute to increased heat generation within the battery, especially if it is left at a high state of charge for extended periods. Heat is detrimental to lithium-ion battery health and can accelerate degradation.
Some lithium-ion batteries require periodic full charges to ensure that all cells in a multi-cell battery pack stay balanced. Partial charging may not allow for this balancing to occur, potentially leading to issues with cell voltage matching and overall battery performance.
Unlike older nickel-based batteries, lithium-ion batteries do not suffer from a "memory effect" where partial charging reduces the overall capacity. However, they do have their own set of degradation mechanisms that can be influenced by charging practices.