neprihlásený Utorok, 8. októbra 2024, dnes má meniny Brigita
V Nemecku budú povinne na benzínkach rýchlonabíjačky na elektromobily

Diskusia k článku: V Nemecku budú povinne na benzínkach rýchlonabíjačky na elektromobily

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Partial or random charging of a lithium-ion battery does not necessarily lead to degradation, but it can affect the overall lifespan and performance of the battery over time. Here are some key points to consider:

Lithium-ion batteries have a limited number of charge-discharge cycles before their capacity begins to degrade. Charging a battery partially or randomly can increase the number of cycles, as each partial charge counts towards a full cycle. This can lead to faster degradation of the battery over time compared to consistently charging it from a lower threshold to full capacity.

Lithium-ion batteries prefer to be kept at a moderate state of charge, ideally between 20% and 80% of their capacity. Constantly charging the battery randomly to different levels (e.g., 30% one day, 70% the next) can cause stress on the battery and lead to reduced longevity.




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