neprihlásený Sobota, 22. júna 2024, dnes má meniny Paulína
Windows 7 + 66+ pt font = BSoD

Diskusia k článku: Windows 7 + 66+ pt font = BSoD

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Komentár, na ktorý odpovedáte:

keby si si precital Release Notes k tej beta verzii, vedel by si, ze je to znama chyba a teda sa to nepovazuje za problem ...

Video drivers
Systems which use XDDM drivers may completely stop responding in certain scenarios. The computer will not respond to CTRL+ALT+DELETE and you will have to cycle the power to restart the computer, with the attendant risk of loss of unsaved data.
Some activities which have been demonstrated to trigger this issue include, but are not limited to:
• Using Winsat.exe or using the Rate and improve your computer’s performance tool.
• Changing multi-monitor configurations
• DVD or other video playback
To avoid this, do not use XDDM drivers, but find an appropriate WDDM driver instead. If your video chipset does not have a WDDM driver (such as the Intel 915), use a VGA driver or an GPU that supports WDDM drivers.
If this issue occurs at setup, either avoid unattended setup or uninstall the XDDM driver and use a VGA driver until setup is complete.




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