neprihlásený Sobota, 21. septembra 2024, dnes má meniny Matúš
Windows 10 bude zadarmo, z Windows sa stane "služba"

Diskusia k článku: Windows 10 bude zadarmo, z Windows sa stane "služba"

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Komentár, na ktorý odpovedáte:

Win10 bude zadarmo, nebude tam ziadne mesacne/rocne platenie sluzby.

Gabe Aul on Twitter has confirmed that those who update to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 will receive Windows 10 for the lifetime of their device, meaning you don't need to pay yearly or monthly fee after that first year is up. So yes, everyone can relax and look forward to updating to Windows 10 when it launches later this year.

"Gabriel Aul: Once upgraded to Windows 10, we will keep it up to date for the supported life of the device, for no additional charge."




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